...Japan ITA code via RDP Lipper Fund API?
Are there any ways to retrieve fund data using its Japan ITA code or retrieve Lipper ID from its Japan ITA code via RDP Lipper Fund API?
If its's the case, can you please give me a sample code for that?
Hi @hiroko.yamaguchi1 ,
Yes, for example, data of 2131998B (example Japan ITA code) can be retrieved by calling this endpoint with the GET method https://api.refinitiv.com/data/funds/v1/assets/1447:2131998B
(1447 is the caption ID of the Japan ITA code.To specify the symbol type, separate the caption ID or caption code of the type and the symbol with a colon)
To get a list of all possible code types, I called the reference method below and got the result with Japan ITA Code and its captionId/code in the API response.
Get Request
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6038239/uploads/attachments/15312-1661162113849.png" alt="1661162113849.png" /><a href="https://api.refinitiv.com/data/funds/v1/assets/ref/datapoints?properties=codes">https://api.refinitiv.com/data/funds/v1/assets/ref/datapoints?properties=codes</a>
<img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6038239/uploads/attachments/15312-1661162113849.png" alt="1661162113849.png" />
More detail can be found in the Reference tab of
https://apidocs.refinitiv.com/Apps/ApiDocs --> /data/funds/v1/assets
hope this helps