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sdk function rsslDecodeFieldDictionary

When we call your sdk function rsslDecodeFieldDictionary(..., &m_dictionary,..., &errorText) with m_dictionary already filled from previous call we get error saying "Duplicate definition for fid 1." Could you please confirm that the rsslDecodeFieldDictionary can not handle the case when m_dictionary is not empty?

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Hello @presciousjoy.tiaba ,

I am guessing you are integrating in ETA space, rather then TREP APIs. Let us know, please share the API details, if this is not the case.

If you are integrating with ETA/UPA, according to Transport API C RDM Usage Guide "rsslDecodeFieldDictionary - Adds data from a Field Dictionary message payload to the RsslDataDictionary (refer to Section 5.5.1). ". To me, this means, that the data is added to the dictionary, rather then replaced in it, and the dictionary has to be cleared and empty, prior to decoding the new dictionary data, you are correct.

Hope that this information is of help.

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