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eikon get_timeseries interval parameter


import eikon as ek
req = ek.get_timeseries(["MSFT.O"], start_date = "2017-03-01",
       end_date = "2017-03-10", interval="hour")
EikonError: Error code -1 | MSFT.O: No data available for the requested date range

Can someone please explain why I got an error in the above code?

When I changed the interval = "daily", the code ran ok, I understand daily is the default value also. But, it seemed anything lower than daily, i.e. hour, minute, tick, all gave me the same error.

What's the reason that I couldn't go more granule than daily?



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hi @zhang_dawg ,

So I can replicate the issue with the Eikon Data API. I've tried this with the RD library and got no data to return either.

I guess the hourly data isn't available during this date range hence, I have raised a content ticket for this (Case Number: 11627624) via MyRefinitiv.


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hi @zhang_dawg ,

I'd like to add that this interval of this daterange of the data is also not available in an Eikon chart app (regarding the screenshot below, I select the Max daterange on the hourly interval and the data is only availble for a year back from now (28 Sep 2021 - 27 Sep 2022). However, the support team is going to contact you regarding the ticket mentioned in the previous comment and clarify why the data isn't available.

Hope this helps


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