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what is the difference between EScv1 and Esc1?

I'm looking at CME futures data and there are two types for S&P500 futures, i.e., EScv1 and ESc1.

What is the difference between the two?

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Hi @jaewon.choi ,

An in-depth understanding of specific content requires the knowledge of an expert in that content area. As our customer, you can tap this expertise by opening a case via Content Helpdesk Online or calling your local Refinitiv support number. The option to pick is "I need help understanding content within the product".

Please let us know if you can proceed toward this solution, or would you like us to open a support case on your behalf?

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Hi, yes, it would be great if you could open a support case for us!

Hi @jaewon.choi ,

sure, ticket number 11892914 was raised on your behalf and the support team is going to contact you directly to assist with this. Hope this helps

Hello @jaewon.choi

Case 11892914 is closed with the following resolution:

The Resolution:

Kindly note that A future chain is defined based on the supported contract months from the nearest contract month to the furthest contract month. Taking ES future contracts as an example, RIC root is "ES" and the RICs of different contract months are:
ESZ9 - Dec 2019
ESH0 - Mar 2020 
The future RIC structure is RIC root + Delivery Month Code + Expiry Year Code. You can find the mapping of Delivery Month Code on speed guide <RULES2>. Expiry Year Code is using the last digit of the year for the contract month.  

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