Bond data via API in Python
Hello, I have a download restriction of 10'000 lines and am doing data analysis in Python. So that I do not have to down all of this, I would like to use an API and loop it to download all the data. I am struggling with this. Below a screenshot of what I would like to download, and here the query: rd.discovery.search( view…
API err = ek.get_data returning no results
fields = [ 'TR.FiscalPeriodEndDate','TR.PriceClose.date', 'TR.F.TotRevenue.fperiod', 'TR.F.TotRevenue', 'TR.BGS.BusTotalRevenue', 'TR.CompanyIncorpDate', 'TR.RegistrationCountry', 'TR.HQStateProvince', 'TR.HeadquartersCity', 'TR.F.GrossProfMarg', 'TR.InvtrRevenue', 'TR.TURNOVER', 'TURNOVER', 'TR.CompanyNumEmploy',…
Workspace Codebook space size
I'm using Codebook in Workspace for quantative trading. Based on my workflow, I need to download the market data and test my trading signals. The reason why I'm using Codebook is due to limitation of runing python in my own deskop. So Codebook is the only way I can test my script. Considering the time for data retrieving,…
Python API access
Apologies, this is a basic question. I've been through the various tutorials/trial and error on accessing the API with no joy. I believe I may be close but it's not quite working. Any help/guidance much appreciated. Thank you. Rob Background I'm using LSEG workspace. My Data API proxy is showing as Ready. Version 3.6.6.…
FINRA bonds data
Hi all, I am attempting to retrieve bond data from the TRACE provider, but I’ve encountered issues with the current code. Some fields return empty cells, even though the data exists when checked manually. For instance, volume data is one such example. Additionally, the code is not outputting dates. Best
Python ld.get_data() Unable to collect data for field 'TR.ASKPRICE.DATE' and some specific idenfier
I have a list of over 800 bond ISIN and I am using ld.get_data() in a loop to download historical pricing data in chunks (see attached txt file). I need a solution to handle cases where no data is available, so that no errors are returned. First isin chunk: ['ES0200002022', 'IT0005057770', 'US00289WAA99', 'USE00020AA01',…
Historical data for CDS spread for a list of companies
Hi, I would like to retrieve five-year-maturity CDS spread for a list of companies on a specific date historically. Is it possible to do this with Python using API to Workspace application? Could anyone help me with this? Thanks a lot in advance!
Can someone help us debug this script: It seems to complain that the url wasn’t set, see below…
https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/understanding-a-portfolios-country-risk-exposure It seems to complain that the url wasn’t set, see below… RDError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[39], line 6 2 fields = ['TR.PortfolioConstituentName','TR.PortfolioWeight', 'TR.CoRFractionByCountry', 3…
ek.get_news_headlines doesn't get same headlines as in screen
Hi, I'm trying to get news headlines for a specific topic on python using eikon library, however, the news I get through the API are not the same as in the sreen of the desktop version. Im using the following function: ek.get_news_headlines('Topic:CBDC',date_from = start_date, date_to = end_date) but I only get a small…
How can I get the EM Economic Monitor