EMA not encoding correctly enum value encoded as #FE#
Hi Dev Team, We have enum value encoded as #FE# in DISPLAY column up/down arrows, which in unicode would mean "þ" and that's what we can observe through EMA lib, however if we connect to ads with websockets, we actually see different value of "⇩" which is also something that could be expected logically. Why is that, and…
Are enumtype.def DISPLAY strings case sensitive?
I'm using RTSDK EMA C++ library to post data to the RCC. For ENUM type FIDs I call the FieldList::addEnum method which takes a short int as the value. To get the int value from an ENUM string I preprocess the data with a Python program that converts enumtype.def into a nested dictionary structure that can be used to lookup…
What does field 6516 in Level2 MBO book suggests
Hello, We are using RFA8.1 C++ Api to consume Level2 data using Market By Order(MBO) domain. We observed that sometimes we receive price updates (Add, update instructions) with field 6516 set to 3("X"). Does it indicate that this price will cause a crossing (Top of Bid greater than top of Ask) in level2 order book? A link…
Convert enum in to its value in EMA Java?
How can we convert an enum (like currency) to a string (like "USD")? OmmEnum.enumValue() gives the int value, and OmmEnumImpl.toString() just gives the integer as a string. How can we obtain the enum text representation?
Linux example based on 110, cannot find RDMFieldDictionary
The current situation that i am trying to test: Windows sink+ windows client works. (compiled by me) on same machine using ip Windows sink + Linux client (in eclipse project based on 110 with minor modifications - same code as on windows ) OmmConsumer…
where to take ENUM names for enum Currency
I got Field like this: , FieldEntry fid="15" name="CURRENCY" dataType="Enum" value="978" and I need to convert 978 to some currency ISO code, where I can look up a dictionary ?
Is there a way to description for enumerated fields ?
I'm using ETA C API in Linux. Is there a way to get a description of enumerated fields using the API ? For example, the following lines were taken from enumtype.def file that came in the SDK. Is there a way to get the description in column 3 (MEANING) or something similar using the ETA API ? ! ! ACRONYM FID ! ------- --- !…
JSFC got the error "The enumerated value of FID 825 cannot be expandedcannot be expanded"
JSFC got the error "The enumerated value of FID 825 cannot be expandedcannot be expanded"
Can you please explain structure for RDMFieldDictionary and enumtype.def files? and data types re...
Can you please explain structure for RDMFieldDictionary and enumtype.def files? and data types related to it.Is "enumtype.def" it specific to each Symbols?
Case Response Template case mismatch problem
The API indicates that value values for the ProviderType are enum (WATCHLIST, PASSPORT_CHECK) and for CaseEntityType are enum (INDIVIDUAL, ORGANISATION, VESSEL, UNKNOWN). The YAML generated Java code creates a ProviderType.java class with the values of "WATCHLIST" and "PASSPORT_CHECK" and a CaseEntityType.java with values…
FID TRDCOND_1 enum values
FID TRDCOND_1 has changed from alphanumeric to enum in the dictionary, However, in the enumtype.def file, it looks like the only value available for that fid is 0 with a meaning of "undefined". We used that fid to pass the sale condiition for a trade which could have several values (M,Q,X,6,..etc). How can we manage that…
How to contribute to an enumerate field?
When contributing to an enumerated field e.g. CURRENCY (15) does the field value have to be converted from the enumerated value "USD" to its integer value 840 before being contributed or can it be contributed without conversion.
Enum dictionary inconsistency at dIDN_RDF
I'm retrieving MarketPrice data from the dIDN_RDF feed. When I use dictionaries provided by the service (not the local files), I get exceptions when trying to decode the data, even when using the RFA "Consumer" sample instead of my own application: REF_PRC_TP Exception in MarketPriceClient::decodeFieldEntry(): Enumeration…
UPA Java API - RDMFieldDictionary & enumtype.def discrepancy
Using the UPA Java API we're getting the following error on a dictionary response message in one of our TREP environments (i.e. works fine in one but not the other): Event: Acronym mismatch "RDN_EXCHID" and "CURRENCY" between Field Dictionary and Enum Type Dictionary The assumption is that we have a mismatch in one of…