The current situation that i am trying to test:
Windows sink+ windows client works. (compiled by me) on same machine using ip
Windows sink + Linux client (in eclipse project based on 110 with minor modifications - same code as on windows )
OmmConsumer consumer(OmmConsumerConfig("/root/eclipse-workspace/test/conf/EmaConfig.xml").consumerName("Consumer_13").username("ANYUSER")); // uses configuration from EmaConfig.xml
consumer.registerClient( ReqMsg().serviceName( "ELEKTRON_EDGE" ).name( "JPY=" ), client );
gives me the error::
Exception Type='OmmInvalidUsageException', Text='DictionaryCallbackClient::loadDictionaryFromFile() failed.
Unable to load RDMFieldDictionary from file named ./RDMFieldDictionary
or load enumtype.def from file named ./enumtype.def', ErrorCode='-1'
i have put in the directory of EmaConfig.xml enumtype.def and RDMFieldDirectory