Does the RDM Market by Order refresh/update payload contain ticks?
Currently, my application gets its understanding of ticks from the market price payload, setting the QoS rate to RSSL_QOS_RATE_TICK_BY_TICK and the timeliness to RSSL_QOS_TIME_REALTIME. The tick price and quantity come on the "LAST" and "TRADE VOL" fields. I am wondering if these fields are also placed in the payloads for…
rsslEncodeFieldListComplete segfaults.
Hi. I am encoding a market price update message and rsslEncodeFieldListComplete receives SIGSEGV. Any ideas what the cause might be? As far as I can tell I am following the proper sequence of rsslEncodeFieldListInit, rsslEncodeFieldEntry, rsslEncodeFieldListComplete. In gdb, "disas" shows the following line where it…
Can you help clarify my understanding of requesting RICs via a symbol list request?
Hi. I am looking to get a list of all RICs for Shanghai Stock Exchange equities and Shenzhen Stock Exchange equities. I have been referencing this article (https://developers.lseg.com/en/article-catalog/article/all-rics-available-on-elektron-realtime) and I recently found this tool…
Are there any ordering constraints on encoding/decoding different parts of an RSSL message?
I have an RSSL Consumer client using the Reuter's Domain Model. I also have an RSSL Producer server that is part of a testing harness to test my client. The consumer is successfully able to login, request and process source directory information, and request and process dictionary information, and I have tested this…
Is there a way to request all symbols for Market Price request?
Hello, Based on my understanding of UPA RDM, it seems that if I want to request market price updates for a set of symbols, I need to either send a request per symbol, or send a batch request, where in either case I have to enumerate every symbol via RDM_INSTRUMENT_NAME_TYPE_RIC. Is there a way I can instead make this…
Is it safe/valid to construct our own RsslBuffers for encoding, decoding, and writing?
Hello. I am wondering if you could help clarify my understanding of RSSL and UPA, as well as answer a question. Say I am in a 64bit Linux environment, designing a C program with a single RSSL channel and two relevant threads, thread A and thread B. Say I have initialized RSSL on thread A with the rsslLocking parameter…
encode Vector in FieldList
Hi all, From the RFA_DevelopersGuide: FieldList is a non-uniform container of field identifier-value paired entries known as a fieldEntry. A Field Identifier, also known as a fieldId (or FID), is a signed value refering to a specific name and information type defined by an external field dictionary, such as the…
What are the meaning of the fields "SALTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_MS"
I saw the below link. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/master/Java/etc/RDMFieldDictionary But I can't understand the difference between "SALTIM_MS" and "QUOTIM_MS". I find out that the "SALTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_MS" seems to be appeared together at each trade data. Can you explain these fields clearly??…
NullPointerException emaj processing directory domain message
Hi Dev Team, Recently we have encountered a NullPointerException processing directory domain message. This happened after one of the services on TREP 3.5 was renamed so we suspect TREP sent a message that included a Delete for that old service name that was being renamed which caused the app to crash or at least that is…
What is RDMLogin?
Hello, I'm new to refinitiv. Could you tell me what is RDMLogin stream? I faced below message at nasdaq open time. Is there any Docs or URL that guides RDM Login Concept? loggerMsg ClientName: LoginCallbackClient Severity: Warning Text: RDMLogin stream state was changed to suspect with status message username <not set>…
What values needs to be set for RECORDTYPE(FID: 259) for various asset classes
Hi, Can someone please help me with some documentation to explain what values need to set for RECORDTYPE(FID: 259) for different Asset classes. I believe this needs to be 209 for Chains. Is that correct?
exceed RWF len
I am using the EMA to develop an application posting data to contribution channel. During the test, I got an error saying the encoded data length exceeds RWF length for Fid HST_CLOSE. HST_CLOSE "HISTORIC CLOSE" 21 NULL PRICE 17 REAL64 7 Questions: 1. In the RDM dictionary, that fid has RWF len = 7. How should I interpret…
RFA RSSL recommended size of fragment for large RDM symbol list
RFA RSSL OMMConsumer gets RSSL_RET_INCOMPLETE_DATA in class MapReadIterator in method forth() exception when processing large RDM Symbol List . Consumer RFA API has does not define numInputBuffers parameter, assuming default 5. 1. What is recommended size of fragment for OMM provider, publishing large symbol list refresh…
Linux example based on 110, cannot find RDMFieldDictionary
The current situation that i am trying to test: Windows sink+ windows client works. (compiled by me) on same machine using ip Windows sink + Linux client (in eclipse project based on 110 with minor modifications - same code as on windows ) OmmConsumer…
RFA.NET - RDMFieldDictionary. How do I get a list of all the definitions?
RFA.NET - RDMFieldDictionary. How do I get a list of all the definitions? is it a case of iterating over all the possible fieldids using GetFidDef(fieldId), catching (and ignoring) exceptions from MinNegFieldId to MaxFieldId? Is there a way to find the field defs that are market price specfic?