matlab codes post upgrade to Workspace
My client has matlab codes that are run on a regular basis as part of our model toolkit, this connects directly to Eikon to download data. Will we still be able to do this in Workspace following the upgrade ? We currently have a generic log-in which is built into the Matlab code. We also have R codes which connect directly…
Matlab conexion with trth
Hi, I am trying to connect with trth.m function in Matlab using my login/password (that works fine to sign in in the webpage) but an error appears: Invalid username or password. Is there something I could be doing wrong?
Matlab TRTH Timeseries - Getting two days of data when requesting a year
I am using Matlab to connect to the Datascope API (TRTH). When I try to pull a year's worth of timeseries, intraday data using the below code, I get back two days of data rather than the requested year's worth. I am not specifying an interval in order to get back unaggregated results. I have tried putting in two digits on…
matlab datastreamws login failed
I created a new account and I can login via the website but when i try to use my username and password via the function datastreamws on matlab to use data-feeds it says authentication failed
Access Chunk records in MATLAB
May I ask how to read the the following data in MATLAB? timeSeriesRequestSetup = timeSeries.SetupDataRequest('ATGOV1YZ=R'); timeSeriesRequestSetup.WithView('DISC_FACTR'); timeSeriesRequestSetup.WithInterval(ThomsonReuters.Desktop.SDK.DataAccess.TimeSeries.CommonInterval.Daily);…
The RI price for ISMVUS.L is getting an invalid item in Matlab or Python
Hi Team, I'm posting this query on client's behalf and below is his verbatim. "I have a question regarding datastream API's I can pull RI price for ISMVUS.L using the excel addon but when using matlab or python its an invalid item? Does it not all pull from the same database though? It's not a code issue. Everything else…
Using Python API via MATLAB
I am using the Python API via MATLAB which works fine as long as I request only single fields: py.eikon.set_app_key('*****'); instruments = ['LCO5000B1']; fields= 'CF_CLOSE'; % OR fields= 'CF_CURR'; df= py.eikon.get_data(instruments,fields); I am now struggling to get data for both fields (CF_CLOSE and CF_CURR) in a single…
Matlab API for Eikon
hello, where can I download the components, specified in the following guide(https://developers.refinitiv.com/article/using-eikon-net-sdk-matlab), needed to setup the Eikon connection in matlab and access to the library? thanks in advance.
Error using From method when trying to load time series from Eikon .Net SDK in Matlab
Hi, I am trying to load time series from Eikon.Net with MATLAB. I followed the instructions in the article https://developers.refinitiv.com/article/using-eikon-net-sdk-matlab I am able to load the last intervals like in the example successfully. However, when I'm trying to replace…
External Connectivity via Proxy to DSS Rest API
Good day everyone, My first post on the Developer Community and i'm posting on behalf of a colleague so please excuse my initial vagueness. My colleague is trying to use Matlab to connect the Datascope API however we are having issues and this could be more due to us not configuring correctly rather than any blocks on our…
MathWorks Configuring Reuters Market Data System Connections
My client is trying to retrieve historical market data using Matlab and found this instructions in MathWorks website link: https://uk.mathworks.com/help/datafeed/configuring-reuters-market-data-system-connections.html. Could you please share or advise the site-specific settings required for step 3? Thank you so much.
DWS download time series not in reference currency
There's a way to download a time series not in reference currency? For instance this instrument is in euro 805YGJ, however I want it in USD. data = history(connection, "805YGJ", "RI", 21-Jun-2019,02-Jul-2019,"D") Based on the function description is it possible to pass additional parameters (NAME/VALUE) % D =…
Using Eikon Desktop API in Matlab
I need your support for using Eikon Desktop API in Matlab. Following instructions: * in the tutorial: https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/eikon-apis/net-apis-use-custom-applications/learning?content=8724&type=learning_material_item * in the article: https://developers.thomsonreuters.com/article/using-eikon-net-sdk-matlab…
Getting the error: Could not load file or assembly 'ThomsonReuters.Udap.BusTools.dll' is not a va...
Getting the error: Could not load file or assembly 'ThomsonReuters.Udap.BusTools.dll' is not a valid Win32 application.
Is it possible to connect Matlab to Eikon using API?
Is it possible to connect Matlab to Eikon using API?