Getting Best Match via Entity Search API
Hi, Please see my code below my sanctions_df_upgrade has a column caption which are company names. I am looping over that column and mapping it against the PermID db via the Entity Search API My ask is - now I am assuming that the first match found with the parameter num set to 1 is the best match. But is there a better…
Extract Unmanaged and unverified Legal Entity records through DSS REST API
Hello, I'm trying to find the best way to retrieve Unmanaged and unverified legal entities out of the DSS REST API On Demand extractions. It seems that through POST /Extractions/ExtractWithNotes, if you stick to "IdentifierList": { "@odata.type": "#DataScope.Select.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.EntityIdentifierList",…
How to map entity names to identifiers?
Hi, I have used the OpenSanctions API /search endpoint and retrieved results of entities under the UFLPA dataset My next task is to map these entities to permIDs (if available) The entities retrieved from the API call are API native fields and names of companies. I want to map the names to permIDs Please can someone guide…
DSS API request to retrieve all RICs associated with OrgID
Hi, Is it possible to retrieve all RICs associated with certain OrgID? When I run extraction, using instrument list, it's possible to add "source": "*" to retrieve all RICs associated with certain Isin, for example: but the "source" field, is not applicable for entity lists: And if I run below code: { "ExtractionRequest":…
Creating new PermIDs for entities without one?
Often times while using the Entity Search feature, I come across entities that do not have a PermID. What can be done in this case? Is there a way to create new PermIDs for these entities?
ABN Amro Bank quotes
Hello, I'm trying to find permids for quotes on ABN Amro Bank via API. The ticker is ABN and is traded in Amsterdam (XAMS) according to Bloomberg: I also see it on the Reuters web page: https://www.reuters.com/companies/ABNd.AS Entity search ticker:ABN&&mic:XAMS returns nothing. Search just by ticker without MIC returns…
RESTAPI and Fields to extract for LegalEntityDetailReport using Python
Hallo All, I need to get master data information for Business Partner Instrument List. For example i want to get information such as Lei, Contact Information, Address Information and other details for our Business Partner. From report template i can get this when i create new Entity List and search by entity name or…
ANDR.VI permid
Hello, I'm trying to find permids for quotes on Andritz AG company via API. The ticker is ANDR and is traded in Vienna (XWBO) according to Bloomberg: I also see it on the Reuters web page: https://www.reuters.com/companies/ANDR.VI/charts Entity search by ticker ticker:ANDR returns nothing at all. Also search by RIC ANDR.VI…
Hello, Information returned by API while searching for "ADPT" ticker seems out of date. Search ticker:ADPT returns: * matchOpenPermID=https://permid.org/1-21542003606, commonName=ADEPTUS HEALTH CL A ORD * matchOpenPermID=https://permid.org/1-21542003607, commonName=ADEPTUS HEALTH CL A ORD *…
DT.N Dynatrace permid search doesn't return DT.N
Hello, When searching for ticker DT: ticker:DT this permId (DT.N) is not returned: https://permid.org/1-25727367056 Also search by ric: ric:DT.N doesn't return anything.
Ubiquity permid primary exchange (UI.N)
Hello, Trying to find permId via API for this quote: https://uk.reuters.com/companies/UI.N Entity search with "ticker:UI AND mic:XNYS" doesn't return anything. While I see this permid exists: https://permid.org/1-21475851712
PermId says No Data Found for a Quote PermID returned by Entity Search API
For some stocks the PermID returned by Entity Search doesn't seem to exist. For example: Looking for a quote with ric:LSE.L https://api-eit.refinitiv.com/permid/search?q=ric%3ALSE.L&entityType=quote returns: { "result": { "quotes": { "entityType": "quotes", "total": 1, "start": 1, "num": 1, "entities": [ { "@id":…
Can't find permid by RIC in Record Matching API and Entity Search API
Sometimes both Record Matching API and Entity Search API return no matches when searching by RIC (or by ticker + MIC), while the PermID with the corresponding data exists on on the website. For example: https://permid.org/1-4295884627 However, API request returns 0 matches:…
How to get permid data in NTRIPLE format using the Entity Search RESTful API
I need assistance for the “PermID - Entity Search · RESTful API” (https://developers.refinitiv.com/open-permid/open-permid-entity-search-restful-api). I looked through the documentation but could not find the answer. The issue is that the data comes back in a couple different formats, “Turtle” and “JSON-LD”. However, when…
Entity List defined by PermIDs is not possible?
We use PermID.org to resolve Organisation Entity names to a PermID. With the resulting list of PermIDs we need to query DSS for some additional information relating to each Entity. It appears that DSS does not support import of an Entity List where the identifier is a PermID. Using the DSS GUI it is possible to enter a…