Sometimes both Record Matching API and Entity Search API return no matches when searching by RIC (or by ticker + MIC), while the PermID with the corresponding data exists on on the website. For example:
However, API request returns 0 matches:
Interesting, the entry is however present in the bulk file (OpenPermID-bulk-quote-20200913_085205.ttl):
a tr-fin:Quote ;
tr-common:hasName "RANDSTAD ORD"^^xsd:string ;
tr-common:hasPermId "55838220374"^^xsd:string ;
tr-fin:hasExchangeCode "AEX"^^xsd:string ;
tr-fin:hasExchangeTicker "RAND"^^xsd:string ;
tr-fin:hasMic "XAMS"^^xsd:string ;
tr-fin:hasRic "RAND.AS"^^xsd:string ;
tr-fin:isQuoteOf <> ;
tr-fin:isQuotedIn <> .
Same issue with SAND.ST for example