How can I use included rsslexample app in ADS to be launched from a script for obtain a list of a...
...ll services with its Up/Down status and exit . No subscriptions . How can I use included rsslexample app in ADS to be launched from a script for obtain a list of all services with its Up/Down status and then exit . No subscriptions needed. I just need what is referred as the "service table" in the legacy ../demo/example…
SFC java API processChainElementUpdate
We're using version 3.5.6-E7 of the SFC java API. Our client extends com.reuters.sfc.realtime.chains.general.ChainElementRecordClient. Recently we had some problems processing a ChainElementRecordClient#processChainElementUpdate(RecordChainElement) event which notified us of a RIC name change. We get these messages…
constantly calling "processTimeSeriesInfo". The function "processTimeSeriesComplete" is not called.
Hello, I'm trying to consume "ric" with "series = ista.getSeries(XXXXReutersTimeSeriesClient, ista.getSession(), vbr[i].getVirbaseTypeRuter(), period, beginDate, endDate);" I am checking "isError", "isComplate", "isInfo" in "while" loop. On my "local" computer, "isComplate" takes the value true, but when I deploy the codes…
Legacy APIs and protocols - dismission plans
Hi all, this is an old and recurring question (sorry for that, I just need to double-check). What is the current status in terms of support for the legacy protocol SSL/MarketFeed, and for the legacy APIs SFC C++ and RFA C++? Are those technologies going to be dismissed anytime soon? From the most recent API compatibility…
Can someone please share raw response return from Refinitiv for SFC C++ and RFA Java.
We are planning to migrate an app from SFC C++ to RFA Java.Our app act as a relay server. Can someone please share raw response of RIC return from Refinitiv for SFC C++ and RFA Java.(SOURCE - ELECTRON_DD ) Coud you please let us know if response format is different for both SDK and if yes, then how we can change format of…
Which API product's are available in RHEL 7+
We are planning to migrate an application written in SFC C++ 4.5 to RHEL 7 and wants to choose which API product's are available in RHEL 7 . I am not able to understand the matrix ex - * What 'X' means ? * What blank means? * What X with red indicator in right top corner means? I am new to refinitiv product, can someone…
SFC API not connecting
We are connecting into SFC API for real time market data but since last Thursday (10-March) our process is reporting a stale service indicator and any market data requests made just sit pending connection.
Does SFC Java 3.5.x / 3.6.0 work with RTDS 3.5+?
Hi, Could someone confirm whether RTDS 3.5 and later only work with RSSL and standard SSL connectivity using port 8101 will cease to function? Specifically we are interested in how the RTDS platform upgrade will impact our SFC Java adaptor which is currently based on SFC Java 3.5.x. We understand from the API compatibility…
Supported SFC C++ versions
Hi, from the latest API compatibility matrix I can see that SFC C++ Edition 4.6.3 & older versions are in active obsolescence. Is there a lower limit? In particular I need to check if the following versions are still supported (even if in obsolescence): * 4.6.2L1 * 4.6.0L1 * 4.5.5 One more question: when this active…
Client is currently using JSFC 3.5.6_L1 with E9 updates with Elektron Connect and will be migrati...
Client is currently using JSFC 3.5.6_L1 with E9 updates with Elektron Connect and will be migrating to Refinitiv Real-Time - Optimized, using LPC. Can you please confirm the version of SFC is supported.
Are there any plan not supporting SFC Java 3.5 ?
Are there any plan not supporting SFC Java 3.5 ?
LPC linux server requirements
Hi, For the Legacy Protocol Converter (LPC), as that runs on a Linux server, can someone please specify a minimal/optimal server configuration (CPU, RAM,disk) assuming single tenant and back office FX rates usage with limited tick updates.
SFC contribution using large ALPHANUMERIC fields
Hi, a client of ours is using and SFC C++ 462L1 based application for contribution. They have added a new field in the data dictionary, defined as follows: CALC_CURVE "CURVE STRING" -4001 NULL ALPHANUMERIC 40000 RMTES_STRING 40000 Although the SFC application seems to receive the field-entry correctly form the provider,…
We are not able to get indicative auction price/vol for Malaysia from tag 3576/3577 via SFC C++ A...
We are not able to get indicative auction price/vol for Malaysia from tag 3576/3577 via SFC C++ API, can you tell me what tags we should use?
Alternative FID is 32743. However, since Reuters no longer support SFC Library, user cannot map t...
...he FID 32743 to the volume field on their trading system. What FID is available for SFC users? Alternative FID is 32743. However, since Reuters no longer support SFC Library, user cannot map the FID 32743 to the volume field on their trading system. What FID is available for SFC users?