Emissions by NAICsCode and Period
Is it possible to pull and group the global values of TR.AnalyticEstimatedCO2Total and TR.Revenue (as USD or GBP) into groups of TR.NAICSSector and by Year, or at least show which year the data is coming from? ek.get_data seems to only be able to pull data by instrument, and am having some difficulty showing year and…
how can i get exact time data field of economic indicator??
since i have the log below at 2022/08/16 23:57:25.026 (UTC) 2022/08/16 23:57:25.026 ERROR --- [economicIndicatorExecutor3] a.w.d.c.s.EconomicIndicatorService : ric : JPTBL2=ECI, f : FieldEntryDto(ric=JPTBL2=ECI, nbRic=JPTBL2=ECI, fieldMap={SF_NAME=LALERT, CTB_2A_1=23:57:24.913, GN_TXT16_3=16Aug, GN_TXT16_4=-1436.8,…
What are the meaning of the fields "SALTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_MS"
I saw the below link. https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/master/Java/etc/RDMFieldDictionary But I can't understand the difference between "SALTIM_MS" and "QUOTIM_MS". I find out that the "SALTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_MS" seems to be appeared together at each trade data. Can you explain these fields clearly??…
Is there a way to obtain the hour of publication of an economic indicator
I would like to know if theres a way to obtain the exact date and time an economic indicator was published .. like COCPI=ECI, COPCPIY=ECI, COCBIR=ECI
How to retrieve timestamp for update messages via Elektron Websocket API
How can I get a timestamp for the quotes or trades with each update message coming in from the Websocket API? I've requested many fields that should have a time or date for trades and quotes but I don't get anything. This is what my update messages come in looking like: [ { "DoNotConflate":true, "Fields":{…
Invalid size 8 for Time
Our customer develop an RFA application to receive real time via ADS and after moving to last ADS 2.6 version he has this error: INFO | 2018-05-02 07:36:34,595 | seda:coll02.marketdata.broadcasterquotes?size=10000&concurrentConsumers=20 thread:108 [Logger] Received: 1400 messages so far. Last group took: 956 millis which…
Why is Eikon API so slow to retrieve data on economic indicators ?
Hello, When retrieving economic indicators' data from Eikon API (using Python 2.7 in my case), requests take 1-2 seconds to get a response.. On the markets, this is a huge time lag which penalizes me in my purposes. Is there any way to improve Eikon API response time ?? Thanks
how to get GMT offset in Raw data request for version 2?
for version 2, I am using the following settings... MessageTimeStampIn = GmtUtc ReportDateRangeType = Range ExtractBy = SingleByRic however, I do not get the GMT offset in v2 rest api RIC,Domain,Date-Time,Type,MsgClass/FID number,UpdateType/Action,FID Name,FID Value,FID Enum String,PE Code,Template Number,Key/Msg Sequence…
ExtractionRequest : What are the differents value of the condition MessageTimeStampIn ?
Hello, In all the example I've only seen " MessageTimeStampIn = GmtUtc". So my question : is there any other options? And how can we get the trade time on Local Time? Thanks !
Date and time stamp field management
Hi, I have following issues related to the time and date fields. Can there be scenarios where time or date related field will have different types like date, time or times stamp. Also what is the time zone which used in the Reuters to published the time and date related fields. Format of the time can this be changed in…
About GMT display issue
Greetings All I am using TRTH API to request EndOfDay Data. I set rs.requestInGMT = true; and rs.displayInGMT = true; But the result is still for local exchange time as below, can anyone show me what is wrong? #RIC Date[L] Time[L] MSFT.O 10-OCT-2016 MSFT.O 10-OCT-2016 MSFT.O 11-OCT-2016As followed is the code: DateRange…