since i have the log below at 2022/08/16 23:57:25.026 (UTC)
2022/08/16 23:57:25.026 ERROR --- [economicIndicatorExecutor3] a.w.d.c.s.EconomicIndicatorService : ric : JPTBL2=ECI, f : FieldEntryDto(ric=JPTBL2=ECI, nbRic=JPTBL2=ECI, fieldMap={SF_NAME=LALERT, CTB_2A_1=23:57:24.913, GN_TXT16_3=16Aug, GN_TXT16_4=-1436.8, CORR_ACT=0, ECON_ACT=-1436.8, OFFCL_CODE=23:57:24.807, ECI_ACT_DT=2022-08-16, RT_YIELD_1=-1436.8, VALUE_DT1=2022-08-16, LONGLINK1= , SRC_ES_NS=86244000000000, GEN_VAL2=-1436.8}, symbolDto=SymbolDto(ric=JPTBL2=ECI, ticker=JPTBL2=ECI, repNo=null, currency=JPY, exchange=null, country=JP, delay=0, currencyUnit=null, classScheme=null, timeCode=JP, symbolType=economic_indicator, createdDt=null, updatedDt=null, nameEn=null, nbRic=JPTBL2=ECI, trbcAct=null, ind=null, type=null))
i'm wonder why the exact time data field can't be found??
i know that JPTBL2=ECI has been published 2022-08-16 23:50:00.
i need data of 23:50:00(or unix converted version).
is there something i miss or anything i can get further data field???
please help... so badly...