I am successfully retrieving various corporate events using the C# API with the following fields: "TR.TickerSymbol", "TR.EventStartDate", "TR.EventStartTime", "TR.EventType", "TR.EventTitle" However, I would like to also be able to retrieve a phone number or website URL for each event if possible. For example, earnings…
I would like to get all known proposed and completed mergers/acquisitions in a given time frame. I've researched this, looking at a few tickets: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/31335/get-all-mergers-and-acquisitions-on-the-python-api.html…
In Excel I am able to run the following formula: =RtGet("ATS", "INTERNAL_RIC", "BID") To get access to a quote from an internal instrument. How could I replicate this in python using the get_data function? I have tried: import eikon as ek ek.set_app_key("xxx") df, err = ek.get_data( instruments=["INTERNAL_RIC"],…
I am using Eikon for Excel. I have a list of identifiers in column A and for each of them I need the ESG score. =TR(A2,"ABS(TR.TRESGScore)","period=FY0 Sdate=01-Jan-2010 Edate=31-DEC-2022 Frq=Y CH=In RH=FPA TRANSPOSE=Y",C1) The above function works well. However, the output is poorly aligned, with different years in the…
Hi, do you have any idea,why got the above named error from following function: def get_ts(): import eikon as ek import pandas as pd ek_app_key='XY' ek.set_app_key(ek_app_key) ticker=['ALVG.DE','BMWG.DE'] start_date='2023-04-24T09:01:00' end_date='2023-04-24-24T09:15:00' interval='tick'…
I am looking to pull vessel information from interactive map through API? Is this possible?
User is getting an error while configuring my Python EIKON API (anaconda) while following the link below: https://developers.refinitiv.com/en/api-catalog/eikon/eikon-data-api/quick-start. Please refer to the screenshot below: Tried to follow the suggested steps on the links below:…
Possible values: 'tick', 'minute', 'hour', 'daily', 'weekly', 'monthly', 'quarterly', 'yearly' In get_timeseries(), the possible values that the parameter "interval" can take are the ones above. On the other hand, for a given RIC, not all will be available. Let us say I want to extract historical data about the US GDP…
I am trying to find deal level data and fund information for PE firms. Specifically, all historical deals made by PEs and all funds information PEs have received in history. I have found those data in screener but I need to click the number of deals and funds to see the historical deals made by each PE and funds received.…
I am trying to retrieve information regarding the dividend pay date, dividend ex date, unadjusted gross dividends of a stock. As recent as last month, I was able to retrieve the information using the following code: import eikon eikon.set_app_key('key') port_ISIN_list = ['JP3598000002'] #Get CA data from Thomson Reuters…
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