I'm looking to extract a list of RICs' quotes using the refinitiv.dataplatform . I found this code online that worked for the user who created but I am unable to use it because it tells me the content refinitiv.dataplatform.content module does not have a pricing attribute. I am having similar issues with the search function. I am trying to understand if people are utilizing a different version and that's the cause of the different code. My current version is 1.0.0a20.
import refinitiv.dataplatform as rd
test_ric = ['465410AH1=2M', '718592AB4=2M', '059891AB7=2M', '059891AA9=2M', '448414AE2=2M']
response = rd.content.pricing.Definition(
fields=["BID_YIELD","ASK_YIELD", "BID", "ASK"]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Projects\test.py", line ##, in <module>
response = rd.content.pricing.Definition(
AttributeError: module 'refinitiv.dataplatform.content' has no attribute 'pricing'