I am trying to download a dataset with ESG Scores for ALL companies from 2015 to 2021 to excel. How can I do that? I am using the Refinitiv add-in in Excel, and also tried using the screener.
Hi @s185318 - thanks for your question. This is a forum for programmatic usage of content via APIs. However, if you are using the add in for Excel - you should use the screener app to build your universe save the screener query and then refer to it in the formula builder app. One thing to be aware of is that there is a limit to the number of companies (5000) the screener can return - so you would probably need some geographical division eg region and then maybe marketcap or sector filters to reduce the numbers to below 5000 for each screen:
Might I suggest you then save these regional/sector universes and then use the CodeCreator app in Eikon which is very similar to the excel formula builder in that you build the query visually in a UI and then the app creates the python code for you and you can simply run it in the CodeBook app. Here you would just use your saved region/sector screens and get the data you need programatically and then save them down as excel files for example.
We have written an article on how to retrieve ESG Data programatically in Python here, and you can find out more info on using the screener app in an article here. You can also find out how to use CodeBook / Code Creator apps with a video here. I hope this can help.