I'm trying to consume "ric" with "series = ista.getSeries(XXXXReutersTimeSeriesClient, ista.getSession(), vbr[i].getVirbaseTypeRuter(), period, beginDate, endDate);"
I am checking "isError", "isComplate", "isInfo" in "while" loop.
On my "local" computer, "isComplate" takes the value true, but when I deploy the codes to the server, the "isInfo" condition always works. The "isComplate" condition doesn't work at all.
Even though I gave the necessary ip access permissions to the server, the situation did not change.
Even though I created a user on behalf of "root", which is the user of the server, on the Dacs side and gave him the necessary permissions, the situation did not change.
When I look at the logs of Dacs, I can't find any information about the rics that I have successfully pulled from my local computer, nor about the rics that I have not been able to pull from the server.