I am setting up the environment currently and running the steps in the quick start guide.
I went and ran the following command:
-cp ./bin;../../Libs/upa.jar;../../Libs/upaValueAdd.jar;../../Libs/upaValueAddC
ache.jar com.thomsonreuters.upa.valueadd.examples.consumer.Consumer -c elektron:
I am getting the following error:
Ultra Performance API (UPA), Java Edition, LibraryVersionInfo
productVersion: etaj3.0.3.L1.all.rrg
productInternalVersion: etaj3.0.3.L1
productDate: Tue Nov 15 12:44:01 CST 2016 Thomson Reuters
Consumer initializing...
Unable to load field dictionary. Will attempt to download from provider.
Text: Can't open file: RDMFieldDictionary
Unable to load enum dictionary. Will attempt to download from provider.
Text: Can't open file: enumtype.def
Connection down reconnecting
Error text: java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException
Connection down reconnecting
Error text: Reconnection failed: java.nio.channels.UnresolvedAddressException
Kindly suggest.