Regarding unintentional disconnection of EMA threads
We detected disconnections in several EMA threads in our system. Thread #1 Jan 20 0:06, 09:15 (JST) Thread #2 Jan 20 01:25 (JST) ——————- EMA 3.7.x series Problem: connection timeouts occur in certain server configurations. Detail: connection timeouts occur frequently in environments with high network latency when clients…
Getting a "ConnectionResetError: [WinError 10054] An existing connection was forcibly closed by t...
...he remote host" error while using the dataplatform API in python. While running the get_timeseries function in a loop, i get this error in every subsequent call.
Is Eikon API down?
<module> df_chain1 = ek.get_data(chain_id, fields=field2, parameters={"SDate":date_end2, "EDate":date_start2, "Frq":"D"}) "C:\Program Files\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\eikon\data_grid.py", line 141, in get_data result = eikon.json_requests.send_json_request(DataGrid_UDF_endpoint, payload, debug=debug) File "C:\Program…
Eikon Backend error. 401 Unauthorized using loop of get get_news
I have university access as student to thomson Reuters. I have created loop to read the 1 year data of news headlines + news full story text. It is taking too long time and after that it says me "raise requests.HTTPError(error_message, response=server_response) requests.exceptions.HTTPError: Backend error. 401…
Datascope gives error during backfilling
Hello Team, Refinitv Error.PNG Please find attached the error got during backfilling Please have a look and guide accordingly. Thank you, Trisha Gehlot
Error: no proxy address identified for Eikon Data API Python
Hi, I just installed the Eikon Desktop (4.0.65) on my Windows 11, and is trying to connect through Eikon Data API (1.1.18) for Python (3.11). However, I have encouraged an error saying "Error: no proxy address identified.". The full log with ek.set_log_level(1) is as below: An error occurred while requesting…
Missing Videos in Tutorial
When I go to Websocket API and select Tutorials > Video Tutorials, I don't actually see any videos. It is just a blank area where a video box should appear. I am using EDGE and logged into developers.lseg.com using my LSEG laptop. I also tried using Firefox and got the same results. I wonder if this is a result of the move…
CMake errors installing RTSDK 2.2.1.L1 for Visual Studio 2022
Hi, I'm having issues installing RTSDK2.2.1.L1 for Visual Studio 2022. Having rebuilt my PC recently, I had the following installed before attempting to install this devkit: * Windows 11 Pro x64 (All the latest updates applied) * Python 3.12.5 * Github desktop 3.4.3 * Cmake 3.30.3 * Visual Studio Enterprise 2019…
modulenotfounderror: no module named 'refinitiv.data'; 'refinitiv' is not a package
use "pip install refinitiv-data" installed package, the py file only have 1 line "import refinitiv.data as rd" . got folllowing error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'refinitiv.data'; 'refinitiv' is not a package"
Timed out on the end point
Hello, I have a loop to evaluate OTC Equity options via the end point: "https://eu-west-1-api.refinitiv.com/data/quantitative-analytics/v1/financial-contracts" and also tried: "https://api.refinitiv.com/data/quantitative-analytics/v1/financial-contracts" but am getting the error either way. I am passing 90 options at a…
Error Handling | RDP API
Hey Team, Can you provide guidelines on robust error handling and retry logic for API calls to handle transient errors and ensure reliable data retrieval for RDP API? Thanks!
Error Retrieving Data through Eikon API
Hi Team, I managed to install the eikon package and set the app key, however, when I tried to run any of the test codes, like " df = ek.get_timeseries(["MSFT.O"], start_date="2016-01-01", end_date="2016-01-10") " I ran into error. It would be great it someone could provide some advice. Thanks in advance!! Here's what I…
Repeated Failures on TimeSeries Query from Eikon API
Eikon API Python Windows df = ek.get_timeseries(ric, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, fields='Close') This request fails frequently leading to missing data, I either get "Error code 2504 | UDF Core request failed. Gateway Time-out" or "Error code 500 | Backend error. 500 Internal Server Error". I have tried…
Getting -> Error text Error initializing channel: errorId=-1 text=Error occurred during connectio...
...n process. Can you please help me Hi, I receive the below error trying to run example100. Could you please help me? SEVERE com.thomsonreuters.ema.access.ChannelCallbackClient reactorChannelEventCallback loggerMsg ClientName: ChannelCallbackClient Severity: Error Text: Received ChannelDown event on channel Channel…
REST API error message for ISIN DU00000COCHA reflecting as ISIN DU00000COCH3
Hi, Wanted to check on the below issue where using DSS REST API for ISIN DU00000COCHA, getting the error message reflecting as ISIN DU00000COCH3 not found under Terms and Conditions Report Template. I am using DSS Rest API extraction and Identifier List is having ISIN as DU00000COCHA which is a Dummy ISIN, however in the…