I'm pulling data from API on thousands of RIC daily. I may have RIC's that's no longer valid, or with typo.
Under Eikon, my Python code below will return DataFrame containing information with NA for invalid RIC ('BF.B' and 'BONDS') if I simply ignore df_error, when the list RIC are all invalid.
import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek
df_eikon, df_error = ek.get_data(
['BONDS', 'BF.B', 'IGUSDD10Y='],
{'SDate': 0, 'FRQ': 'D'})
The result is below, which is what I am expecting:
But under Workspace, the rd.get_data won't allow for two DataFrames to house result and error separately any more, and I can only do below to get an error message:
import lseg.data as rd
df_workspace = rd.get_data(
['BONDS', 'BF.B'],
{'SDate': 0, 'FRQ': 'D'})
I will get below error:
The Workspace code above works fine when I have a mix of valid and invalid RIC, but will not work when all RIC are invalid. I cannot verify the validity of RIC one by one for thousands of RIC. How can I resolve this to avoid getting an error like Eikon? Thank you.