Hi Team,
Can you please help me to pull data from Eikon API by giving condition as = R and it should pull Record Type of 21 from that, Example RIC(DJX50N1W=R).
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @Shalini.YPatted ,
If you have an access to Eikon Data API, you should have an access to RD Library desktop session. Hence, you can try function search of RD library. Its quick start guide can be found here
import refinitiv.data as rdrd.open_session()ric_df = rd.discovery.search( view = rd.discovery.Views.SEARCH_ALL, top = 10, filter = "( RIC eq '*=R')", select = "RIC")ric_list = ric_df['RIC'].to_list()ric_list
parameter top is The maximum number of documents to retrieve, so you can adjust this to get more number of result
Then convert the RICs returned to a list to be an input of the next step
rd.get_data(ric_list, [ 'RECORDTYPE'])
An example of RD library search function can be found at https://github.com/LSEG-API-Samples/Example.DataLibrary.Python/blob/main/Examples/1-Access/EX-1.01.06-Search.ipynb
Hello @Shalini.YPatted
The code should be like this:
import refinitiv.data.eikon as ekek.set_app_key('APP_KEY') #'DEFAULT_CODE_BOOK_APP_KEY' if you are on CodeBookdf, err = ek.get_data(['DJX50N1W=R'], [ 'RECORDTYPE'])df
Please note that you can use the Data Item Browser (Seach "DIB" on your Eikon/Workspace), then input your item code (RIC Code) and you can search all available fields that the item provide as follows:
You can find more detail about the Data Item Browser app from this https://developers.lseg.com/en/video-catalog/data-item-browser video.
Hi Wasim,
Thanks for checking.
Any RIC that ends with = R, I want code to pick = R and produce record type for all of those RICs
is it possible to get the output from Eikon API by giving condition.
Example RIC (DJX50N1W=R) which ends with = R.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.