Today, I tried to get Average Price of RIC : CMZN0 on January, 2024 and get Daily Price then sum all of them and divide for average on January, 2024 so that I wanted to see entire provided data is correct.
However, it does not provide same dataset between them.
Here is what i got:

I think it has to be the same these data.
Or i assume that 'TR.OFFICIALASKPRICE' and 'TRDPRC_1' fields are showing different data.
I was told these fields are displaying same data so i am using like this.
If i was wrong, Please could you tell me what fields i can use when using 'get_history' function?
Here is the code i used in python:
history = rd.get_history(["CMZN0"],["TRDPRC_1","TR.OFFICIALASKPRICE"],end='2024-01-25',interval='daily', count=30)
Thank you in advance.