I tried running this code (attached below). The code is inconsistent in giving results. It worked in the very first attempt for 12 companies but then it throws an error when I ran it for more than 2 companies and sometimes it runs in 3rd/4th attempts. In this inconsistency problem, we can not just say that this code will run for x companies in y attempts (y<=5). Is this a server overload problem or inherent issues with this API?
# Define a function to chunk a list into smaller lists of a specific chunk size
def chunk_list(first, chunk_size):
for i in range(0, len(first), chunk_size):
yield first[i:i + chunk_size]
# Set the chunk size
chunk_size = 1000
# Define a list of RICs
RIC_list = ['GE', 'ROK','TT', 'EMR', 'DHR'] #, 'SCHN.PA', 'ABBN.S', 'SIEGn.DE', 'DHR','HON.O','JCI'] #, 'ZOMT.NS', 'INAR.NS', 'TATE.NS', 'COMU.NS', 'CENA.NS',
fields1 = [
'TR.FundClassId','TR.FundPortfolioName','TR.FundParentNameHistory', 'TR.FundPortfolioName.investorid',
'TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2024-06-30)','TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2024-03-31)','TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2023-12-31)','TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2023-09-30)',
'TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2023-06-30)','TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2023-03-31)', 'TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2022-12-31)','TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2022-09-30)',
'TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2022-06-30)','TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2022-03-31)', 'TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2021-12-31)','TR.FundAdjShrsHeld(Scale=6, Sdate=2021-09-30)',
'TR.FundHoldingsDate(Sdate=2022-06-31)', 'TR.FundTotalEquityAssets','TR.FundInvtStyleCode','TR.FundInvestorType','TR.FundAddrCountry','TR.FundParentType','TR.FdShrhldrActivistType', 'TR.FundInvtOrientation','TR.FundEarliestHoldDate','TR.FundAggPE12MonthsFwd','TR.FundContactFirstName','TR.FundContactMiddleInit','TR.FundContactLastName','TR.FundestorContactTitle',
parameters = {}
df_combined = None
retry_max = 5
retry_count = 1
# Define a function to get data with retry logic
def get_data_with_retry(chunk, fields, parameters):
global retry_count
while retry_count <= retry_max:
df = rd.get_data(chunk, fields=fields, parameters=parameters)
return df
except RDError as e:
print(f"RDError code: {e.code}")
print(f"RDError message: {e.message}")
print(f"Attempt {retry_count} failed. Retrying...")
time.sleep(2**retry_count) # Exponential backoff
retry_count += 1
raise Exception("Maximum retry attempts reached.")
# Try to retrieve data in chunks and handle errors
for idx, chunk in enumerate(chunk_list(RIC_list, chunk_size)):
print('i:', idx , 'c:', chunk)
df = get_data_with_retry(chunk, fields1, parameters)
if df_combined is None:
df_combined = df
df_combined = df_combined.append(df)
print(f'{len(chunk)} chunks completed')
retry_count = 1 # Reset retry count for the next chunk
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")

Any help to understand this error and make code consistently give results would be much appreciated.