I'm using ETA API version 1.0.8 in Linux. The response message (RsslMsg) has three Rssl states (RsslStreamStates,
RsslDataStates and RsslStateCodes). These three states different set of possible values as defined in rsslState.h
I understand that these will have the following values as printed by example application in string format.
- Closed/Suspect/None for INVALID symol
- Open/Ok/None for VALID symbol requested part of batch
- Non-streaming/Ok/None for SNAPSHOT request.
It looks to me that different error scenarios need to be simulated in the server side to understand the combination of the states that can be sent to client.
As there could be a large number of combinations possible with these 3 states, I would like to know if there is any recommended mapping matrix to identify different use case (example: valid symbol, invalid symbol, suspect data, etc,..)