Hi, I created Pre-request script PHP code to hash dataToSign successfully in this question: how-to-generate-signature-by-curl-alone
It is for "Get my top-level groups" in Postman collection.
Now, I'm trying to do same on another Postman collection "Perform Synchronous Screening: Simple".
In the given Javascript sample by Postman.
Postman's Javascript code uses "dataToSign" string to generate signature which is like this:
{ "groupId":"my_group_id", "entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"providerTypes": [ "WATCHLIST" ],
"name": "putin", "secondaryFields":[], "customFields":[]
As you can compare with below JSON file, it adds multiple spaces before "elements" to align as it looks in JSON format.
Here's the JSON file to load.
"entityType": "INDIVIDUAL",
"providerTypes": [
"name": "putin",
And here's my PHP code.
$load_content = file_get_contents($json_file);
$content = rtrim($load_content); // rtrim is required to remove carriage return at the end.
$dataToSign = "(request-target): post " . $gateway_url . "cases/screeningRequest" . "host: " . $gateway_host . "date: " . $time_gmt . "content-type: " . $content_env . "content-length: " . $content_decoded_length . $content;
Comparing $dataToSign between Postman's Javascript and my PHP code above, Postman adds multiple spaces before "elements" to align as it looks in JSON format, whereas my PHP code converts them to a single character which leads string mismatch.
Can anyone help on this?