"df, err = ek.get_data(["IE00B4K48X80"], ["TR.FUNDHOLDINGRIC","TR.FundHoldingname","TR.FundPercentageOfFundAssets","TR.FundNumberOfShares"],{"SDate": 0,"EDate": -3, "Period": "FY0", "FRQ": "FY", 'endnum' :1000 })"
Hi @kamal.chancari
You can use "Data Item Browser" to check parameters supported by fields.
In this case, TR.FUNDHOLDINGRIC does not support timeseries.
So it only give you the current data.
I think you can use TR.ETPConstituentRIC, TR.ETPConstituentName and TR.ETPConstituentWeightPercent
But they only support "as date" (not interval).
Please use Data Item Browser to check the support parameters.