I am currently using RDP python package 1.0.0.a0
Currently the library allows checking the session state using rdp.session.get_open_state, but if the underlying token becomes invalid, the library currently does not raise an exception.
We are running some code on server A. Today, the same account was used to log into server B. This meant that that server A was no longer authenticated with Refinitiv, even though there was an open session state.
Using rdp.session_get_open_state, server A still had an open session, however from the logs refinitiv servers returned an invalid_token request on server A.
Should an error be raised when server returns invalid token? Or is there a way to check or send a heartbeat to the server to check whether the token is still valid, before a data request is sent?
2020-07-15 12:30:35,044 - hpack.hpack - DEBUG - Decoded (b'www-authenticate', b'Bearer realm="GET /data/historical-pricing/v1/views/events/{universe}", scope="trapi.data.historical-pricing.events.read", error="invalid_token", error_description="token expired"'), total consumed 149 bytes, indexed False