Has anyone tried the NEW OpenCalais from Apache Stanbol? It does not work on my side. I suspect that the HTTPS is not supported by Stanbol. Any advice on the matter would be more than welcomed. Thanks.Adrian.
Hi Adrian,
After some digging around - I visited the SVN repo where the opencalais for stanbol is implemented - I think I found the issue. The current Stanbol implementation of the enhancer for opencalais is configured for the old URL ( http://api.opencalais.com/enlighten/rest/ ) whereas it should be configured to the new URL ( https://api.thomsonreuters.com/permid/calais ). As I am not a member of the Stanbol committers forum I cannot make the changes but I suppose you can request this small change from the Stanbol forum.
Alternatively you can try to configure the new Calais URL by using the 'Configuration' tab of the Apache Felix Web Console of your Stanbol instance.
Please let me know how you manage this.
Can you please provide the code sample you are using and also describe what you are trying to do? Thanks.
Hi Eyal, thank you for your reply. I wastesting within the browser, http://localhost:8080/enhancer/chain/all-active, below:
Enhancement Chain: all-active all 9 engines available < List of Enhancement Chains>
Paste some text below andsubmit the form to let the Enhancement Chain all-active enhance it:
The Stanbol enhancer can detectfamous cities such as Paris and people such as Bob Marley
Executionof Chain R2_chain failed in 2.00sec.
The OpenCalais engine is configured andactive, as shown in the screenshots
Is there anything else I need toset/change in order for it to function? Thanks.
Thank you Eyal for taking the time to dig into this.. "Unfortunately" Stanbol was already configured with the new URL ( https://api.thomsonreuters.com/permid/calais ) when I tested it, please see http://semantic.r-2apps.com/Stanbol.Calais_1.png.
OK then... it seems I'll have to access OpenCalais outside Stanbol. Thanks again. Adrian