How can I find out the equivalent Field IDs for the columns on the attached screen?
I want to programmatically get a list of all code changes for an instrument.
Kind regards
hi @ps15a - you can use the TR.EVENTS fields to get some of what you are looking for - but name changes etc will not be available as only a subset of those available in the GUI Screener tool are exposed.
df,err = ek.get_data(["PSL.AX"], ["TR.EventStartDate", "TR.EventType", "TR.EventTitle"],{"SDate":"2007-11-28","EventType":"ALL", "EDate":"2020-08-31","CH":"Fd","RH":"IN"})df
I hope this can help.
Hi @ps15a
You can use "Data Item Browser" to explore what fields are available.
Please see this tutorial.
API could not access to search result in your attached picture.
So I am not sure how to give you an equivalent field ID.
I am not an expert on content but some fields are carrying corporate action.
For more content question, please contact Refinitiv Content Helpdesk at
" changes etc will not be available as only a subset of those available in the GUI Screener tool are exposed" tells me what I wanted to know.
@ps15a FYI I will forward this request to the API product owner as it is important functionality.
Would be a welcome addition.