Client downloaded EMA Java SDK and run ERT in cloud example demo 450, found error message "java Lang Class not found exception". Can you take a look and snap shot attached.
Hi @Hao.Tang
Maybe can you advise client to follow this video ?
Attached snap shot of Error
Hello @Hao.Tang
Did the client add upaValueAdd-<version>.jar to the project classpath? Basically, the EMA Java example applications require the following RTSDK and Apache jar files
These jar files are available at <RTSDK-Java>\Java\Ema\Libs and <RTSDK-Java>\Java\Eta\Libs folders
These jar files are available at <RTSDK-Java>\RTSDK-BinaryPack\Java\Eta\Libs\ApacheClient and <RTSDK-Java>\RTSDK-BinaryPackk\Java\Eta\Libs and <RTSDK-Java>\RTSDK-BinaryPackk\Java\Ema\Libs folders
Client tried to add all Jar package but still show error as attached. He mentioned missed Jar package was not in the list but should be a public package. Please help us out, Thanks so much
Hi @Hao.Tang,
Can you please provide which version of the EMA library they are using and whether they are following the instructions from this Quick Start Guide:
I just downloaded, went through the Quick Start guide I outlined above and it worked.
You will need to provide the exact command they are running (Note: they can put placeholders in for the ID and passwords they are using to keep it private).
The syntax should look something like this:
> gradlew runconsumer450 -PcommandLineArgs="-username <ERT username/machine ID> -password <ERT password> -clientId <AppKey> -keyfile <KeyStore file> -keypasswd <KeyStore password>"
In addition, one of the pre-requisite steps is to list the examples packages. Can you ensure they were able to get a proper listing as outlined in the ESDK Build System tutorial?
Please suggest the client to test with the command line as my colleague has mentioned. The client can find the way to build the SDK library jar files from this build system guide.
Based on the given screen shots, it seems the client uses IntelliJ IDEA to run EMA Java example 450, could you please confirm? If so, could you please share the client project libraries setting (File --> Project Settings --> Libraries)?
Thanks for the detailed instruction. One minor issue, client is not eikon user, there is no app key generator link in ERT cloud welcome mail. Can help show how client can grant client ID via app key generator tool?
Can the client follow instruction in "Machine ID" section of article: