I want to get the data for PE for say 4 tickers, for the field = TR.PE for the dates 15 to 17 Feb 2021. I am using the commands
ticker_list1 = ['CHMB.NS', 'GNFC.NS', 'KVRI.NS', 'NGFR.NS']
param_list = {'SDate':'2021-02-15', 'EDate':'2021-02-17','FRQ': 'D'}
data,err = ek.get_data(ticker_list1,['TR.PE.calcdate','TR.PE'],parameters= param_list)
data = data.set_index('Instrument')
The output is 10 rows as shown in the image.

I want to fetch it in a format such that the tickers are aligned as the column headers and dates as the index, ie 3 rows and 4 columns.
What do you suggest, how can we achieve this.