Hello team,
I am trying to retrieve HistoricalPricing events using rdp.HistoricalPricing.get_events and I would like to specify the MarketSession, but I am getting an error,
Can you please help me build this request?
Thank you for your help
The get_events method in the RDP library doesn't have the sessions property. However, you can directly send a request to the /data/historical-pricing/v1/views/events/ endpoint to get the data.
import pandas as pdendpoint = rdp.Endpoint( session = rdp.get_default_session(), # Optional url = "/data/historical-pricing/v1/views/events/VOD.L")response = endpoint.send_request( method = rdp.Endpoint.RequestMethod.GET, query_parameters={ 'eventTypes': 'trade', 'start': '2021-03-15T00:00:00.000000000Z', 'end': '2021-03-16T00:00:00.000000000Z', 'sessions': 'normal' })if response.is_success: headers = [h['name'] for h in response.data.raw[0]['headers']] df = pd.DataFrame(data=response.data.raw[0]['data'], columns=headers) display(df)
Hi @mahjoub.faraj
Looking at the help for the Historical Pricing, the sessions parameter is only valid with summaries data e.g.
rdp.get_historical_price_summaries( universe = 'IBM.N', interval = rdp.Intervals.ONE_MINUTE, count = 500, sessions = [ rdp.MarketSession.PRE, rdp.MarketSession.NORMAL, rdp.MarketSession.POST ])
response = rdp.HistoricalPricing.get_summaries( universe = 'IBM.N', interval = rdp.Intervals.ONE_MINUTE, count = 500, sessions = [ rdp.MarketSession.PRE, rdp.MarketSession.NORMAL, rdp.MarketSession.POST ])
Thank you both for your answers!
@umer.nalla : the reference reads: "The sessions parameter represents a list of interested official durations in which trade and quote activities occur for a particular universe. The parameter is only available in intraday-summaries, events and single-event APIs and its possible values include"
I expect the feature to be available in the events api...
I tried your code and it works well! Thanks for that
That said, the python library suggest the feature (should) exist: a session parameter shows in the auto suggest as well as the sessions values enumerator.
Thanks for the update. I was referring to the help output for the RDP library Historical Pricing Contents and Function Layers that I assumed you wanted to use. e.g.
get_events(universe, session=None, eventTypes=None, start=None, end=None, adjustments=None, count=None, fields=None, on_response=None, closure=None)
get_historical_price_events(universe, eventTypes=None, start=None, end=None, adjustments=[], count=1, fields=[], on_response=None, closure=None)
Just to clarify, the session parameter in the above list is the 'connection session' e.g. platform session or desktop session - not sessions