How do I get string value for an enum field?
See the **** in the code below.
So, for example, in following
FieldEntry fid="118" name="PRC_QL_CD" dataType="Enum" value="62"
I dont want 62, I want CQ
62 "CQ " closing quotation - supplied by CQS and Japanese SE's. // from enumtype.def
It seems that EMA c++ may not have a direct way of achieving this. Is there a code snippet to parse RDMFieldDictionary and enumtype.def files? If code snippet is not available than is there any doc that describes the exact syntax of these files so that I can parse it myself and compute the mappings.
while (fl.forth()) {
const FieldEntry& fe = fl.getEntry();
switch (fe.getLoadType()) {
case DataType::IntEnum: {
// use fe.getInt();
}; break;
case DataType::EnumEnum: {
fe.getEnum() **** returns integer value like 62, not useful
static_cast<const OmmEnum&>(fe.getLoad()).toString() **** returns "62", again not useful
}; break;