I am referring to this thread I opened quite a while ago: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/questions/88111/extracting-deals-wont-working-anymore-when-using-f.html?childToView=88561#answer-88561
The support got in touch with me and told me that a team would take care of the bug over the weekend of the 17. and 18. December. Since this weekend, extracting deals using the API doesn't work for some time periods at all. Even though I do understand that fixing the error may take a long time, the API has been useless to me for almost a month now.
The Support did a good job, keeping me updated and told me that the developer team found some issues during the testing and wasn't able to fix the bug.
Using the following code, extracting deals works just fine for the period given (01/01/1990 to 31/12/2002).
criteria = "SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)/*UNV:DEALSMNA*/), \
BETWEEN(TR.MnAAnnDate,19900101, 20021231)/*dt:Date*/, \
IN(TR.MnAStatus,""C""), \
TR.MnADealValue(Scale=6,IncludeNull=False)>=1, \
IN(TR.MnAFormType,""A"",""AA"",""AC"",""AM"",""AR"",""M""), CURN=USD)"
display = ["TR.MnASDCDealNumber",
deals, er =ek.get_data(criteria,display,debug=True)
However, if I am about to change the time period (01/01/1990 to 31/12/2010), I receive a useless output:
Also, when I change back the time period to 31/12/2002 for example, the code won't work either and gives back the empty df.