I am a regular user of rdp.search that was perfectly working for months.
For some reasons I do not understand, it returns now None whatever the query is.
IT_Bonds = rdp.search(view=rdp.SearchViews.FixedIncomeInstruments,
filter = "IssuerCountry eq 'IT' and \
Currency eq 'EUR' and DbType eq 'GOVT' and IsActive eq true and MaturityStandardYield lt 10",
select ="RIC, ISIN, IssuerName, MaturityDate, CouponRate,IndustrySector, MaturityStandardYield, FaceOutstandingUSD, OptionAdjustedDuration, AssetStatus",
top = 10000) => None
Even this simple metadata request returns nothing:
rdp.get_search_metadata(view = rdp.SearchViews.GovCorpInstruments) => None
We went through several troubleshootings with Refinitiv support:
-reboot of EIkon, reboot of machine, clear of cache, clear of IE browsing history...
-Check of rdp api: rdp api works on my pc as get_data calls work
-Run on Codebook: the same rdp.search queries work on Codebook
-Run same script by another user from Refinitiv: the same rdp.search queries work for him
-There were absolutely no installation or upgrade of the Python distribution or packages