We’ve some quick questions regarding the news python example: 1) Does the code highlighted down below remove that news story from the SQS queue? My gut it that does from the following documentation I found: https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/reference/services/sqs.html#SQS.Client.delete_message. Can you please confirm if the following is true? 2) We would like to be able to get a URL to the news story. How can we achieve this? We cannot see any obvious meta data which has this information! Sample Code. print('Polling messages from queue...') while 1: resp = sqs.receive_message(QueueUrl = endpoint, WaitTimeSeconds = 10) if 'n' in resp: messages = resp['Messages'] # print and remove all the nested messages for message in messages: mBody = message['Body'] # decrypt this message m = decrypt(cryptographyKey, mBody) processPayload(m, callback) # *** accumulate and remove all the nested message sqs.delete_message(QueueUrl = endpoint, ReceiptHandle = message['ReceiptHandle'])