we are no longer receiving stories in HTML format. We use the following code for retrieving a story:
Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch();
logger.Debug($"Retrieving story id {storyId}");
var storyDef = Story.Definition(requestStoryId);
if (isHtml)
storyDef = storyDef.HtmlFormat(true);
var story = await storyDef.GetDataAsync();
if (story != null && story.IsSuccess)
logger.Debug($"Retrieved story for {storyId} in {timer.Elapsed}");
newsStory = new NewsStory
StoryId = requestStoryId,
Story = story.Data.NewsStory,
ContentType = story.Data.ContentType,
Retrieved = DateTime.Now
string error = story != null ? story.HttpStatus.ToString() : "Unknown";
logger.Error($"Unable to retrieve story {storyId} due to {error}");
catch (Exception ex)
logger.Error($"Failed to retrieve story for {storyId} because of {ex.Message}");
The key call here is storyDef.HtmlFormat(true) which should tell the Refinitiv Data Library to return the story in HTML. The HTML would use styles such as scs_html_header which are in the documentation and which allowed us to format the story appropriately. This was working fine in the past, but now no longer does and simply returns the story in text format, which completely destroys the formatting of a story and makes it almost unreadable.
client screenshot rdp news.png
Is there a reason why this is no longer working?