网站能不能用API提取RIC? 如果可以是否有具体方法可以参考,特别感谢!
Resolver not registered: react.asset.discussionTagsAsset
Hi @yu.yang ,
The search API can be used (/discovery/search/v1/)
For example, the request body of an API is below, searching for RIC and the Document title of the query IBM Bonds from the Instrument view.
Search function in the RD Library can also be used
You may check the RD Library - quick start guide for more detail, an example code is also available in Codebook app inside Eikon Desktop/ Refinitiv Workspace
import as rdfrom import searchrd.open_session()response = search.Definition( view = search.SearchViews.INSTRUMENTS, query = 'IBM Bonds', top=100, select = 'RIC,DocumentTitle').get_data()
Please refer to the RD Library Python examples on GitHub.
Permission Problem You need the session.valid permission to do that.