We are getting a problem when we request data with the TR.FundYeartoYesterday Field in LSEG_DATA
Its is returning a datevalue. Here is the code to replicate error: """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np import lseg.data as ek ek.open_session() Fields= ['TR.FundYeartoYesterday'] Fundamentals= ek.get_data('LP68102841', Fields) ek.close_session() """ This is being replicated across all other instruments. Other fields…
lseg.data.content type conversions
When using lseg.data.content how can I control the type conversions occuring for response fields ? For example : import lseg.data as ld universe = ["/SOGN.PA"] fields = ["BID", "ASK", "CURRENCY", "RDN_EXCHID", "QUOTE_DATE", "QUOTIM", "QUOTIM_MS", "QUOTIM_NS"] stream = ld.content.pricing.Definition(universe = universe,…
Time slot discrepancy between Eikon and Workspace
Hello, Our teams have recently migrated from using Eikon to using Workspace. Because of this our IT Tools also need to be updated to work with Workspace. Previously, we were using the ThomsonReuters.DataAccess library for C#. We had to migrate to LSEG.Data and LSEG.Data.Content (using a DesktopSession). Our scripts now run…
How to retrieve USD/MXN Outright at broken dates (end of quarter for the next 6 quarters) in python?
How to retrieve USD/MXN Outright at broken dates (end of quarter for the next 6 quarters) in python? e.g. using lseg-data library or any other I was able to see this discussion: https://community.developers.refinitiv.com/discussion/66758?tab=accepted Also, the documentation found on:…
to maintain stability
I'm trying to retrieve the latest data, and it was working until yesterday. However, when I checked today, it stopped working. I have attempted some solutions, such as restarting and clearing the cache, but it is still unstable. Could you advise me on the best way to maintain stability? import lseg.data as ld config =…
How to pull a list of all the RICs/instrument from Refinitiv?
I would like to know how I can get a list of all the RICs/Instruments used and saved in the lseg/refinitiv database? additional: I would like to know how I may retrieve historical data? example: GDP unemployment rate, interest rate, inflation rate, bonds, commodities. Will I be able to pull data dating back 10years? FYI, I…
Historical Ports / Vessel data through API
Hello, I've been trying to pull some historical data about Ports using the API. This data is available through the Desktop app but I need to be able to do it programmatically. I've been digging around but couldn't find a solution. There could be 2 ways to approach the problem: Ports - I have seen a few old questions on the…
Lseg-data.get_data slow after 3pm UTC
Observing Lseg-data API getting slower after 3pm UTC. There are occasional exceptions thrown when calling lseg.data.get_data() function. Exceptions listed below lseg.data._errors.LDError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it lseg.data._errors.LDError: Asynchronous…
Getting Price data using lseg.data
Using the below code for fetching fixed-income prices using lseg.data.get_data. Is this the right approach to fetch price for a certain date, price for a date range and the daily prices? Where can we find documentation on different parameters field option? When parameters field contains 'SDate' or 'EDate' against which…
Find more data on Lead VC
Dear LSEG community, I hope that I am right here with this question. We are currently working with LSEG to gather data for our master thesis in the topic of VC vs. non VC-backed IPO performance, and in this field we also want to identify the impact of VC monitoring. We found good proxies for that in old papers, but for…
Trouble installing lseg-data
I keep getting the following error code when trying to install lseg-data python library. I am installing this in a python virtual environment, and I have checked that I have Cython installed. How can I go about fixing this?
Python ld.get_data() Unable to collect data for field 'TR.ASKPRICE.DATE' and some specific idenfier
I have a list of over 800 bond ISIN and I am using ld.get_data() in a loop to download historical pricing data in chunks (see attached txt file). I need a solution to handle cases where no data is available, so that no errors are returned. First isin chunk: ['ES0200002022', 'IT0005057770', 'US00289WAA99', 'USE00020AA01',…
about start / end parameters
I have a question regarding parameters. I found the start param is inclusive and the end param is exlusive on this forum, but I am unable to retrieve the data a s expected. df=get_history(universe= "MCU0", fields= ["OPEN_PRC","HIGH_1","LOW_1","TRDPRC_1","CASH_SETL"],start='2024/12/6',end='2024/12/10') [out] MCU0 OPEN_PRC…