Is there a Python API that allows us to contribute to an ATS via TREP/RTDS
Is there a Python API that allows us to contribute to an ATS via TREP/RTDS
Using EMA C#,finding difficulties in posting data to ATS from new code. would need any sample in...
... .net 8.0 that will be helpful. we are using RFANET100 assembly it has dependency on Microsoft redistributable 2010 x86, soon we will get windows 11 this RFA assembly is obsolete from new OS and not work, we are willing to use LSEG.Ema.Core v3.2.0.1 for .NET/C# but finding difficulties in posting data to ATS from new…
Add description to ATS Rics created using WebSocket API
Dear Developer community i'm wondering if is possible to define a description when creating ATS Rics using WebSOcket API, such description to be shown in GUI ATS interface. many thanks for you assistance and help for this topic
We get the following error message from the server: "NakCode:AccessDenied" "Text:902: Cannot Crea...
...te a Record" We get the following error message from the server: "ID:1" "Type:Ack" "AckID:0" "NakCode:AccessDenied" "Text:902: Cannot Create a Record" "Key:Service:DEX_CTB_PRD" "Name:ATS_RM_CREATE" The message says our access is denied but it would be very strange if we were allowed to create a RIC with "ATS_INSERT_S"…
[EMA API] Nondeterministic values during contribution to RICs in ATS
Hello, I have a strange problem when I contribute data to RICs on ATS using EMA API. Sometimes data on 1 (or even more) RICs are incorrect/mixed - diffrent from values I sent to ATS via PostMsg. I noticed the problem occurs only during 2-nd, or more contribution to there RICs - during first contribution I haven't seen this…
I want to contribute to private rics on TREP through API without ATS. Please confirm which API ca...
I want to contribute to private rics on TREP through API without ATS. Please confirm which API can be used for achieving this requirement.
Using Perl I get error 400 Invalid request when Posting item belong to DDS service which is an AT...
...S Service Hi, I Use the Perl example from the GitHub, I try to Post data of a specific RIC, i changed only the ric name, host name, user name and added "Service" = "DDS" to the post message part, all is flowing great until the post, the login is working, when I send the request i get the stream is open, but i get 400…
ATS command to replicate using WebSocket API JSON sample
Hello, One of our clients reported the following use case : They publish prices for instruments through ATS, and sometimes they "update" the fields that they publish for some instruments (Ex : Before ATS update command, they publish ASK for RIC_A= and after the command they publish ASK and BID for RIC_A=). We asked them…
Refinitiv ATS
The current version of ATS is 1.7.0 and its springboot version is 2.7. As springboot 2.7 is going to end of support, is it possible for us to upgrade springboot to v3.1 on our own? Will there be any possible impact to the ATS?
API/Websocket contribution crashes ATS
Hi, I recently developed an app to contribute and get data from the ATS. App have been deployed in production and since then we had nearly daily problems with the ATS that becomes unavaible. Further investigation showed that sometimes the contribution request makes the ATS crashes, the service suddenly becomes uncapable to…
Publishing prices into a like ATS service
Hello, We are currently trying to publish fake/random prices for some RICS into a ATS like service. We are using the WebSocket API and using the script testclient. Currently we managed to publish one prices for the RIC that we want using the below command : ./testclient -S PUB -f post.txt -ir 1 -I 1 Do you know what are…
[Eikon Python API] How do I specify a source when fetching data with the get_data function?
In Excel I am able to run the following formula: =RtGet("ATS", "INTERNAL_RIC", "BID") To get access to a quote from an internal instrument. How could I replicate this in python using the get_data function? I have tried: import eikon as ek ek.set_app_key("xxx") df, err = ek.get_data( instruments=["INTERNAL_RIC"],…
Creating an ATS ric that contains an expression
Hi I am able to Create Rics via the WebSocket API But I can't find any description on how to create a calculation field (Expression filed) As an exsample, I have exportet a RIC from the gui that looks like the ones I would like to create
Create ATS ric using websocket on a specific BU/container
Dear developer community I would like to know how can I structure the websocket message sent using ats_insert_s service to create a new ric on a specific BU/container rather than the default one, as it can be done with rtcontribute function. MAny thanks for your assistance and help
.Net project using Websocket for contribution/publish to internal service (ATS)
Dear developer community i'm wondering if there is a .Net Project (C#) to share demonstrating the use of websockets for contributing/publishing data to internal server (ATS) and also to create rics/add fields/delete records. thank your for your help.