I am using Java RealTime SDK to connect my application to TREP.
It is able to subscribe for RICs and to receive realtime market data
One of our client complaints about an issue when consuming RICs published from ATS:
- my application connects to TREP and subscribes to a RIC published from ATS by the customer
- my application correctly receives to image and the updates of the RIC
- client closes the RIC on ATS
- client reopens the RIC on ATS
- starting from now, my application does not receive anymore RIC updates
In order to bypass this issue, the client needs to restart the application (I guess a resubscription to the RIC is needed)
I contact you in order to know what is the best thing to do in this situation?
- I guess that if the application resubscribes to the RIC when receiving the RIC-closed notification, the new subscription will be refused
- so I would like my application being notified when the RIC is reopened: is there a way to do this?
- or is there another solution offered by the SDK that I don't yet know?
Thank you very much
Philippe MESMEUR