Java RealTime SDK: how to detect RIC closed by ATS then reopened
Hello I am using Java RealTime SDK to connect my application to TREP. <dependency> <groupId>com.refinitiv.ema</groupId> <artifactId>ema</artifactId> <version></version> </dependency> It is able to subscribe for RICs and to receive realtime market data One of our client complaints about an issue when consuming RICs…
RTSDK (EMA/ETA/Websocket API): Supported to run on a public cloud?
Some of our customers are planning to move their own developed application from on-premises to public cloud, such as AWS, Azure and GCP. Is RTSDK (EMA/ETA/Websocket API for all supported OS) officially supported for use on public clouds?
ETA big batch request limitations
I am required to subscribe to around 14K items, using the code in ETA tutorial with combination of batch request, I was able to get roughly 600-1000 items, depending which items I request (short names or long), is there a config parameter that can increase the amount I can send, and if the limitation is not in the API,…
[C#] How to properly handle client side crashes and restarts
Hi! I'm using the RTSDK (https://github.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/tree/master/CSharp/Ema) to connect to an OMM Provider application and listen to updates on about 30k instruments. Suppose I create my consumer class, use it to register interest for a set of instruments, and receive updates. I'm wondering what happens if…
We're consuming data using the Real Time SDK (https://github.com/Refinitiv/Real-Time-SDK/tree/master
We're consuming data using the Real Time SDK (). When opening the item JPYNOK=X, we get a reasonable call to OnRefreshMsg() with a conversion rate and a scaling of 100. However, when we receive calls to OnUpdateMsg() for this item, the scaling is set to 1. We believe this is a bug. Are you able to confirm and possibly fix…
How to set username in ETA
I am developing using ETA, I used tutorial 4 code and managed to get a view of several RICs , Now I am required to get data from a different service which requires a user I saw in one answer for a different question , they say to set loginRequest.userName after rsslInitDefaultRDMLoginRequest using a setString function, I…
Hello, I use the Java/RefinitivSDK in order to receive RealTime data from TREP. Once a RealTIme data is subscribed, the API notifies me through my implementation of the interface method OmmConsumerClient.onRefreshMsg(RefreshMsg refreshMsg, OmmConsumerEvent event) The RefreshMsg argument provides: the permission of…
How can I get the key in string type?
I am currently receiving market information for the RIC codes NQZ4 and ESZ4, with the domain type set to MARKET_BY_PRICE. The code I am using generates a unique key for each order in the order book entry, followed by the associated fields. Map.getEntry().getKey().getBuffer() Item Name: ESZ24 Service Name: hEDD Map Summary…
How to extract both NBBO and normal bid/ask/bid size/ask size
Context: We want to understand the extraction of NBBO data from Real-Time Direct. We can get data from Real-Time Direct using its SDK. Our Real-Time Direct username is AM2_MFMA_US07318. We raise a ticket Case 14176873, the support team requests us to post the question in this forum instead. Main body: Usually, for…
The login limit of Real-Time Direct usernames
We are using Real-Time Direct C# SDK, we use usernames like AP2_MFMA_HK99674 and AM2_MFMA_US07318 to authenticate. We have a rough idea that each account can only be used to login once/twice concurrently. We want to understand the detailed terms/limitations on its use. For example,, is the limitation applied on process or…
How to decode the key values which is coming as part MBP.
Hi Team, Can someone help me to understand what key attribute values represent here. Action = Update, key = 3132 3a36 3032 3437 352f 32 12:602475/2 Entry data: Name: ORDER_TONE Value: 1 Name: NO_ORD Value: 23 Name: ACC_SIZE Value: 70 Name: LV_TIM_NS Value: 12:39:40:430 Name: LV_TIM_MS Value: 45580430 Name: LV_DATE Value:…
How to identity order levels from market-by-price request.
We are subscribing to Level 2 Market-by-Price data for the E-mini S&P symbol from CME. Below is a sample of the update message response we are receiving: Action = Update, key = 3133 3a35 3934 3635 2f32 13:59465/2 Entry data: Name: ORDER_TONE Value: 1 Name: NO_ORD Value: 11 Name: ACC_SIZE Value: 20 Name: LV_TIM_NS Value:…
real time C++ sdk link is reporting 404 error.
Getting an error while opening real time sdk page.
I getting error saying that "hash5Bstatus-*The record could not be found"
Hi Team, I need clarification on the following error message encountered while trying the 140_MBO_Streaming tutorial. The same symbol, ESZ24, works fine when I run the 100_MP_Streaming example, where I receive both refresh and update message data in response. This suggests that I have access to the ESZ24 symbol. Item Name:…
EMA RSSL batch request error - RDMDictionary stream was closed with status message. streamId 4 R...
...eason State: Closed/Suspect/None - text: "Login stream was closed." Hi , I am running EMA java application for streaming real time prices using a batch request. Service discovery is working and it choses below location to connect. ap-southeast-1-aws-3-sm.optimized-pricing-api.refinitiv.net 14002 But I get error later…