Datastream Excel: Trading Date in DSGRID
Hi, Can you please let me know how to change the date to trading date in Excel? I have searched everywhere now and would really appreciate the direct help. The formula below gives me 262 days.…
Does DatastreamPy work with Workspace?
We use a Python script to retrieve some series from Datastream, using the package DatastreamPy. Will this still be possible after migrating from Eikon to Workspace? Are any actions needed?
MarketPsych ESG from DSWS API
Hello! I would like to extract MarketPsych ESG sentiment scores from Datastream DSWS API feed. Can you please provide the code? Thank you
Dataset creation help needed
I am trying to create a dataset of the top 500 financial institutions in France that includes annual revenues between 2018-2023, assets under management for 2018-2023, firm type, and ESG information (including sustainability reports for 2018-2023 if possible!). Any guidance or ideas would be appreciated, thanks!
What are market release cycles for Equities and Futures on Datastream
Can I get access to some docs on what the market release cycles for equity and future data (pricing mainly) on Datastream
Find more data on Lead VC
Dear LSEG community, I hope that I am right here with this question. We are currently working with LSEG to gather data for our master thesis in the topic of VC vs. non VC-backed IPO performance, and in this field we also want to identify the impact of VC monitoring. We found good proxies for that in old papers, but for…
Datastream "Value": "NA"
Dear team, We have encountered a problem with the following request (from Jan 1, 2025, till today): curl --location 'https://product.datastream.com/DSWSClient/V1/DSService.svc/rest/GetData' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "DataRequest": { "DataTypes": [ { "Properties": null, "Value": "368E" } ],…
Urgent Assistance Required for Refinitiv Eikon DFORequestTable Issue
Hello, I am trying to retrieve data using the Refinitiv Eikon DFORequestTable tool. Normally, I have no issues, but today I keep receiving the message "Waiting for response," and I am unable to retrieve any data. Could it be that my monthly quota is full or something similar? I urgently need the data for an assignment due…
Currency of sovereign CDS
I found there are different currencies options for a sovereign CDS when downloading via Eikon. For instance, the US government 5Y CDS, i.e., USGV5Y**AC=R with ** stand for the currency. This CDS can be quoted by USD, GBP or EUR. But what does it mean with quoted by different currencies, and what are exactly the difference…
Is there a Datatype for insitutional ownership % in Datastream?
Hi, I could not find any relevant Datatype from datastream that would tell the institutional ownership percentage for stocks, if i understood correctly, from datastream its possible to find individual companies institutional ownership structure, but currently I am working with +400 stocks and going one by one is…
How to access Datastream Data Field search navigator for QA users
Hi, As a QA user, one of our clients is accessing DSWS data. However, he needs some sort of data field dictionary/definition reference. Please advise where and how QA users can look up Datastream data field definition, e.g. i advised user to log into but this requires Datastream User ID and password but as a QA user, the…
Permission denied for req file upload on sftp refinitiv
Hi Team, File upload is failing with permission denied on refinitiv SFTP. {"FTPHOST":"datastreamddl.refinitiv.com","FTPUSER":"TGK"}. Please help to resolve this. Thanks
Datastream codes question
Hi I have question about the Datastream codes. Are these codes recycled when a company becomes delisted, or does the code stay with a company forever? Thanks.
getting Datastream data using python
Dears, I want to download financial and accounting data from Datastream using python. The data includes many variables and for many years. That is what called Panel data. The question is, how can I get the variables like total assets (WC02999) and sales (WC01001) for all firms like in the FTSE350 (UK) from 2010 to 2023. I…
Downloading Historical Equities data
Hi, I have a fairly heavy task and the LSEG help desk recommended that I put this question here in the dev community. My team and I need to search and download data on equities (outstanding shares, price, dividend yield, etc.) traded on exchanges in 15-20 countries stemming back to the 1970's-present. My gut tells me that…