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Questions about cases/ongoingScreeningUpdates

I added some Cases to the tab Cases Manager, now I'm waiting to see if I'm going to receive any notification.

I flagged all cases as ongoing = true and I configured it to run the notification daily, is there something more that I need to do?

And what exactly defines the endpoint ongoingScreeningUpdates should return to me an updated result? For example, if I have a Case and inside of this Case I have a specific entity which the Column Updated Date changed the value to today, then if I run the action tomorrow am I going to receive the id of this case which is correlated to this entity?

I'm reading this documentation:, but I didn't find anything about which triggers this endpoint to return value inside the JSON field "results".

Is there another documentation that discusses more in-depth this action? because this endpoint will be the most important to my system.


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Hello @a.sgomes - thanks for reaching out to us! Please see my answers to your questions below:

  1. Once you have set the cases to ongoing screening (OGS) and have adjusted the settings to screen for the cases daily, there has to be an update to a record/match in order for you to receive a notification. If you have resolved any of the cases that you have set for OGS, you can also configure the alert settings for the resolved cases based on critical category. You can find these settings within the same World-Check Settings, where you adjusted the OGS screenings and notifications. If you want to know more about the Category Updates, please look at the Update Category Reference Guide.
  2. You will not receive the ID of the case assigned to the entity you screened for. Instead, you will get a notification email that looks like the below:
    I have highlighted the Group name in the email, and if I go into my Case Manager and filter by this group name, the very last column shows me the "Last OGS Modified Date."
    last-ogs-modified-date.pngIf I click on the case name, there's a column called "Updated Date" that can organize the records/matches based on the date it was last updated. I am unable to upload a screenshot of what that looks like but please let me know if you are unable to find it.
  3. If I want to figure out the above using the API, then I would call on the endpoint{caseSystemId}/results. The field called "entityModificationDate" indicates the date when the World-Check record was last updated. This will reflect the creation date if no update had been made since record creation. On the other hand, there's also "lastAlertDate" which indicates the date of the last alert triggered on a match; either as a new match or review required. Alerts may or may not still be pending on a match. Note that this date only updates if an alert is triggered directly after the last resolution or review date, and any subsequent alerts will not be reflected.
  4. We do not offer any further documentation than the link you have mentioned. Apologies for the inconvenience that is causing you, but please feel free to keep using the forum if you have any additional questions.

Please let me know if you need additional clarification in the above. I hope it was helpful!


Judith Pillado

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Thanks so much, helped me a lot!

I have more questions:

1 - Do you have a specific user in the test environment who receives daily updates? I was talking with someone and recommended James Smith, but I didn't receive any update yet... (I resolved all John Smith's yesterday in the night).

2 - If I run the action cases/ongoingScreeningUpdates one time, then I run instantly again, will produce the same result? I mean, can I run unlimited time and produce the same result? or once I get the JSON result the first time the system will consider that I took this information and will not send any more? (I presume that this action is an idempotent action, then will produce the same result); sorry for asking this, is because I still not having an example to run this action and I need to certify how it works because this action will be the most important to our system.

Btw, thanks a lot for the support, have a good day!

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Hi @a.sgomes!

  1. We do not have a suggested user for this type of testing. I would simply recommend that you use a common name. John Smith is a great example; you can create many different cases with a mix of common names to see what works best for you.
  2. If I am understanding correctly, the answer is yes, it will give you the same result if you are firing the same endpoint instantly. If you make any changes (like deleting/archiving a case or adding a new OGS case), then this endpoint should change. I hope that makes sense.

If you have any more questions, please let me know!

Happy holidays!


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