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119 6 8 20

Way to get available ric source price for a given ISIN

Dear developer community

I am looking for a best way to get a list of available source price rics for a given isin.

Indeed, to do this, I extract first TR. RICS by isin, and after retrieve suitable fields for each ric retrieved earlier.

But the problem I face to is that many rics retrieved from the first step are not authorized giving my dacs access or don t give back price fields.

My question if it s possible to get using Eikon library or refinitiv data library the available price as can be viewed from ALLQ eikon application, other than using chain rics which it s heavy to manage by navigating through longlink fields and next field to get the next chain quote.

Many thanks for your help and tour assistance

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Hi @anass.yazane.1 ,

Thank you for your patience. You will be able to know that you have an access to each Instrument only when you're calling get_data function and got <NA> with the error msg (stored in variable err) hence, I'd also recommend doing as your current code does (retrieving all the instrument and remove rows with <NA>)

Another way if you're retrieving this data often, you may include the list of RICs which return an error 'Access Denied' and then remove them from the list of RICs in the get_data call to prevent calling the access denied RICs

Hope this helps and please let me know in case you have any further questions.

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119 6 8 20

dear @raksina.samasiri

For instance i need to get availables rics for ISIN XS2536938439.

RICS,err=ek.get_data(XS2536938439 ,"TR.RICS") give 44 equivalent RICS.

but only 13 accessible RICS give price by using get_data (Get_Price,err=ek.get_data(list(RICS.RICS.unique()),"BID")) and dropping NA values.

as i have many ISIN and to avoid unecessary real time comsumption and improve process, is there a way for a given ISIN retrieve, and as shown below the price source lists obtained using ALLQ app, to get only rics accessible and with price.

many thanks for your help.


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