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Can client use TLS to connect to TREP via RFA?

Hi team,

Client is asking if they can connect to TREP (TRCC) via TLS (single authentication). They hava a java application with RFA library (version 8.0.1.E3) to connect to TRCC and publish data via OmmConsumer.

Looking into RFA documentation we have found only one occurrence of TLS in the RFAJ_ConfigLoggingGuide, where it seems that certificate can be configurated via parameters tunnelingKeystoreFile, tunnelingKeystorePasswd etc.

In the developer community we have only found this link, but it refers to RTO:

and could not find anything about RFA.

Could you please confirm that TLS can be supported by TREP and RFA and help with an example of configuration?


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@Daniela Ottino

Yes, RFA Java supports encrypted connections.

You need to set tunnelType to https in the connection configurations.


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Thanks @Jirapongse for confirmation
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Hello @Daniela Ottino

Please be informed that the Refinitiv Contribution Channel (RCC) needs to be connected via the Tunnel Stream connection, which is not supported by the legacy APIs like RFA API. It means the RFA API cannot directly connect to RCC.

The client can configure Refinitiv's Real-Time Distribution System (RTDS - previously known as TREP) to connect to RCC via the Tunnel Stream Aggregator (TSA), then uses the RFA API to contribute data to RCC via RTDS as the Off-Stream posting. The diagram is the following:

RFA API -- off-stream post --> RTDS (ADS / ADH) --> RCC

Note: The client needs ADH (or ADS) version 3.2.x and above to connect to RCC.

We do not have the RFA --> RTDS --> RCC example, but there is the EMA API --> RTDS --> RCC example/article as follows:

Note: The ADH "basic configuration" (not optimized for production use) for RCC is also available in the article above.

The only APIs that can connect and contribute data to RCC directly are the strategic Refinitiv Real-Time SDK (EMA and ETA APIs) and WebSocket API.

The following resources might help the client too:

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Hi @wasin.w

My question was probably bad explained. Client's java application is already in place, it has been up and running for some years now. And periodically publishes to RTDS (version 3.5.1.L1), contribution service name is TRCC.

The java application has been developed some years ago, so it still uses RFA library (Omm Consumer Post) for the contribution.

What client is asking now is if it is possible to enable TLS.

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