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How could I get "Regular Dividends - Stock" from eikon api?

I would like to get all the events and dividends for a ticker using the eikon api. Let`s consider the ticker SRL.N.

I am using this code below to get events:

params = {"SDate": '2000-01-01',
          "EDate": '2023-01-20', 
          "CAEventType": "All"}
df_events, _ = ek.get_data(instruments=['SRL.N'], fields=EVT_FLDS, parameters=params)

And, I am using this code bellow for dividends:

params = {"SDate": '2000-01-01',
          "EDate": '2023-01-20',
          "dateType": "ED",
          "SORTD": "TR.DivExDate"}
df_div, _ = ek.get_data(instruments=['SRL.N'], fields=DVD_FLDS, parameters=params)

However, I am not able to get the "Regular dividends - stock" for dates 12-Nov-2021 and13-May-2021, as it is available at the eikon platform, see figure below:


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Yes, you are correct. It doesn't return the "Regular dividends - stock" events.

Please contact the Eikon Excel support team directly via MyRefinitiv and ask for the =@TR formula which can be used to retrieve the "Regular dividends - stock" events. Then, if the formula is available, you can apply the same formula to the get_data method to get the same data.

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Thanks for reaching out to us.

You can try this code.

df, err = ek.get_data(["SRL.N"],
                          "EventType": "ALL"


The output is:


For more information, please refer to the Data Item Browser and Eikon Data API in Python video which demonstrates to find available fields and parameters in Eikon Data API.

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Hi @Jirapongse ,

I run your code, but it hasn`t returned me the field I am looking for. I want "Regular dividends - stock" for dates 12-Nov-2021 and13-May-2021. See image bedlow:


Also, the link to Data Item Browser and Eikon Data API in Python isn't working.

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