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Debt Structure using Python

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I cannot create a script that works when following

Can you please provide a full script that gets the list of company's debt by maturity, currency and cost of debt (kd) MRFG3.SA similar to what is shown in Debt Structure? Thank you.

#technologypython api
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Hi @dianne.palmario

You are correct. I was not testing against the GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS View.

As it turns out, it does not appear this specific View is keyed off of the RIC: MRFGT.SA. There may be an indirect route to derive a related RIC, but that would require a content expert to be involved to define that relationship. Regardless, there is some conversion that is required.

That being said, I was able to provide a 2-step way to get the data based on the RIC MRFGT.SA.

import as rd
from import search_templates as st


ric = "MRFG3.SA"
    view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    filter = f"ParentOAPermID eq '{'MRFG3.SA').loc[0, 'IssuerOAPermID']}' and \
               IsActive eq true and not(AssetStatus in ('MAT'))",
    select = "ISIN, MainSuperRIC, DBSTicker, IssueDate, Currency, RCSCurrencyLeaf, FaceIssuedTotal, \
              EOMAmountOutstanding, NextCallDate, CouponRate, IsPerpetualSecurity, MaturityDate, \


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@dianne.palmario So here is an API call using the latest Refinitiv Data (RD) Library:

import as rd
    view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    filter = "ParentOAPermID eq '4295859830' and IsActive eq true and not(AssetStatus in ('MAT'))",
    select = "ISIN,MainSuperRIC,DBSTicker,IssueDate,Currency,RCSCurrencyLeaf,FaceIssuedTotal,EOMAmountOutstanding,NextCallDate,CouponRate,IsPerpetualSecurity,MaturityDate,CdsSeniorityEquivalentDescription"

This will produce a list of bonds satisfying the filter query.


Is this what you mean?

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@jason.ramchandani01 - thank you.

Can you change the script where the input would be the RIC MRFG3.SA instead of the ParentOAPermID?

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Hi @dianne.palmario

I just updated the Jupyter Notebook to work with the latest libraries and should work. Could you try again? You didn't provide any details what specifically did not work - it may have been a result of outdated code..

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@nick.zincone The provided script above by @jason.ramchandani01 worked well on my end. However, what I need is a script where the input is the RIC MRFG3.SA and not the ParentOAPermID 4295859830

Please help and advise.

19k 86 39 63

Hi @dianne.palmario

>> Can you change the script where the input would be the RIC MRFG3.SA instead of the ParentOAPermID?

You can try the following instead

filter = "PrimaryRIC xeq 'MRFG3.SA'"
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Hello @nick.zincone - it is not returning result. Please check script.

import as rd


view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,


filter = "PrimaryRIC xeq 'MRFG3.SA' and IsActive eq true and not(AssetStatus in ('MAT'))",

select = "ISIN,MainSuperRIC,DBSTicker,IssueDate,Currency,RCSCurrencyLeaf,FaceIssuedTotal,EOMAmountOutstanding,NextCallDate,CouponRate,IsPerpetualSecurity,MaturityDate,CdsSeniorityEquivalentDescription"


Hi @dianne.palmario ,

How about this?

df =
    view = rd.discovery.Views.GOV_CORP_INSTRUMENTS,
    query="MARFRIG GLOBAL",
    filter = "MaturityDate ge 2023-01-01 and IsActive eq true",  # can use "IsActive eq true and MaturityDate ge {'%Y-%m-%d')}" wit `from datetime import datetime`
    select = str("ParentPortRIC,RicRoot,ParentPortRIC,PrimaryRIC,RIC,IsActive,MainSuperRIC,DBSTicker,IssueDate,Currency,RCSCurrencyLeaf," +
                 "FaceIssuedTotal,EOMAmountOutstanding,NextCallDate,CouponRate," +


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