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Hello, how to get the RIC code BRIMAB=ANDS historical data series by python api?

I'm doing like this:

import refinitiv.data.eikon as ek

import refinitiv.data as rd

df_teste2 = rd.get_history(

universe = [




interval = "daily"


the output is a empty

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Hi @natanael.fernandes ,

That is because there is no CF_LAST prices for this instruments (I have quickly checked via DIB in Workspace). Consider using "TRDPRC_1" as a field name as shown:

df_teste2 = rd.get_history(universe = ["BRIMAB=ANDS"],fields=["TRDPRC_1"],
                           start = '2023-01-01', end = '2023-02-06', interval = "daily")


Hope this helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best regards,


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